I had a wonderful Saturday at a workshop, this is my third this year, and with each one I have thoroughly enjoyed them. I wish they could be on every month as I am sure they are much more in depth than doing a study night.
This Saturday was a psychic workday and it was really good fun. Out came the sand, water and the sticky pictures! We weren't a very large group, 9 in total but we all got the most out of the course. The next one will be on mediumship and I really can't wait.
As a child I saw spirit, not very often but enough to know that their was something out there and at 18 I felt I was here for a reason but still I am searching, as I don't know what that reason is.
I also remember floating out of my body when I was 15, I sat on the eves of the roof and watched myself sleeping. I could feel the breeze of the night against me as I sat up there watching me sleep. I have tried to experience this again but so far it has never happened. I do get that feeling of falling off the kerb, you know when one foot stumbles. This was explained to me as your Spirit coming back after been away from the body. Most of you reading this will have had this happen on numerous times.
Did you know that you never have to sign up to be a spiritualist as you are born one, your essence is spirit. That beautiful and sometimes annoying conscience of ours is our spirit, that sinking of the heart when we are hurt is our spirit, the state of happiness is our spirit. We live in a physical world for one reason, to feel physical things. We can't hold hands in the spirit world as we are like the air, clear and a vibration.
I think that as life progressed on earth we asked the great creator if we could not be apart of this physical earth and our gene was implanted within the Ape, but with that gene came a form on intelligence that allowed us to develop. As an original spirit we probably didn't know what we wanted to do until we were here and that's why we progressed, our spirit helping us change the use of our hands and legs.
Even deeper we could say that we were the first spark of life and as we died we went back to the creator and explained that the form we took wasn't what we wanted as so the species of the plant expanded until we found a form that we felt comfortable in, a bit like clothes shopping!
When you look at the wild life, nearly all animals put their offspring first, the family unit becomes important. The Apes are especially social and like our behaviour have the spoilt brat and the nasty bully, somethings we just can't shake off.
Thats my observations for today and a little bit more to ponder over.