Saturday, 17 October 2009


We have all heard that healing is based on the spirit and then out to the body but does that mean that the spirit is dis-eased,  I don't think that's the case.  I think it's the body that is dis-eased because our spirit is borne pure and cannot die.  We use our body as a pure host and it's our responsibility to try and keep it healthy for as long as we need to experience this life.  But what happens when our body doesn't want to remain healthy or we get cancer that kills.  It's a hard question and I don't have answers either. 

I do believe healing helps and although it may not be able to kill all diseases it can help in some small way to help you.  Do I really believe this, yes, yet here I am fighting a terrible cancer and have healing every week, yet the cancer seems to keep coming back.  I have decided that it keeps coming back because it's a man creation if there is a god or total entity, he\she didn't create cancer therefore can't cure it.  Somewhere within our bodily function we must have the key to kill it.

When you get stung by a nettle, nature always has a leaf nearby to take away the sting, nature has all the cures for natural illness, therefore cancer can't be a natural illness it has to be man made.  Look at how we have come along in the last 200 years, man didn't pollute this world until the late 1800's, although a bunch of savages that liked to kill each other nature didn't really bring in too many diseases.  The Black Death probably did London a big favour, but apart from that we seem to bring everything on ourselves.

I only hope that my body can find the key to halt this and give me a good few years to enjoy life, or I could look at it the other way and think that I have experienced all I set out to and maybe didn't plan on staying around much after 40 .. we just never know

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Its great having healing, feeling that intense heat radiate through your body as you feel light and could drift off to sleep. I have had several healers over the years, but I must admit I love the spirits that bring heat rather than the cold ones.

Even stranger is when one had is delivering heat and the other delivering cold.
Today I have asked for some healing for myself, I feel like my body needs a boost of the energies that we all need.
I use to love the feeling of when random healing would radiate out of my hands, and when I was able to touch a person who needed it badly to feel the heat transfer leaving me and helping them.
If every night we all ask for healing to be sent to all those in need I wonder what kind of world we could live in

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Are we all gifted?

I had a wonderful Saturday at a workshop, this is my third this year, and with each one I have thoroughly enjoyed them. I wish they could be on every month as I am sure they are much more in depth than doing a study night.

This Saturday was a psychic workday and it was really good fun. Out came the sand, water and the sticky pictures! We weren't a very large group, 9 in total but we all got the most out of the course. The next one will be on mediumship and I really can't wait.

As a child I saw spirit, not very often but enough to know that their was something out there and at 18 I felt I was here for a reason but still I am searching, as I don't know what that reason is.

I also remember floating out of my body when I was 15, I sat on the eves of the roof and watched myself sleeping. I could feel the breeze of the night against me as I sat up there watching me sleep. I have tried to experience this again but so far it has never happened. I do get that feeling of falling off the kerb, you know when one foot stumbles. This was explained to me as your Spirit coming back after been away from the body. Most of you reading this will have had this happen on numerous times.

Did you know that you never have to sign up to be a spiritualist as you are born one, your essence is spirit. That beautiful and sometimes annoying conscience of ours is our spirit, that sinking of the heart when we are hurt is our spirit, the state of happiness is our spirit. We live in a physical world for one reason, to feel physical things. We can't hold hands in the spirit world as we are like the air, clear and a vibration.

I think that as life progressed on earth we asked the great creator if we could not be apart of this physical earth and our gene was implanted within the Ape, but with that gene came a form on intelligence that allowed us to develop. As an original spirit we probably didn't know what we wanted to do until we were here and that's why we progressed, our spirit helping us change the use of our hands and legs.

Even deeper we could say that we were the first spark of life and as we died we went back to the creator and explained that the form we took wasn't what we wanted as so the species of the plant expanded until we found a form that we felt comfortable in, a bit like clothes shopping!

When you look at the wild life, nearly all animals put their offspring first, the family unit becomes important. The Apes are especially social and like our behaviour have the spoilt brat and the nasty bully, somethings we just can't shake off.

Thats my observations for today and a little bit more to ponder over.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Religion a ManMade Name

I have battled through illness since my early 20's with endo and now cancer yet I haven't blamed God. Somewhere in my spiritual self I must have wanted to learn lessons on being in pain, because that is all I have had for years and years.

We always say "why is this happening to me God" or something along those lines, we never thank god when times are good, or every day when we awake and see another day a head of us.
Should we be thankful, of course we should, we are here to experience life, to give it our best shot and try and live a loving and fulfilling life.

I have always thought I was here for a reason, as yet I don't know what that reason is for, maybe it was to go to the USA and find out about cryo-ablation for mesothelioma and give others faith in a different type of treatment or maybe it was to be a rock to some of my friends, or maybe just to experience life itself. We will never know what our main aim was until we reach the otherside once again.

Spiritualist's don't believe in life after death, but they do believe in eternal life, but then the beauty of spiritualism (as in the religion) is that you can make your own mind up as there is no one berating you from the pulpit telling you what you should or shouldn't believe in. Your free to interpret the seven principals as you seem fit.

After all, whatever religion we were christened into, at the end of the day we are still spirit, and it was man who put a name to the deep down faith we have always had.

In the beginning of time man felt compelled to pray to something, either the sun or the moon, the sea or the trees. Doesn't that tell you something. There is something out there apart from us on earth. We are made of something more than other animals that roam this world. We wanted to worship and pray from the beginning.

Man always has to put his nose into something and spoil it. Women were worshipped in the beginning of time because they gave birth and brought about new life. But man being man became jealous and with the creation of religious books the women was put down as a diversion to weaken men, to be second class and obey only what man said. What a load of twaddle.

They say in the bible that Eve was created from Adam's rib, therefore Man came first. Why do they not look at this and think when man was first created (if you believe this story) then God looked at Adam and thought I haven't designed this form right and had a go at a more refined and better model, that could also bring life to earth. Let's face it we build prototypes then replace them with a better model, maybe God did the same!

No I'm not getting at man, I just think that religion has given women a bad name, whether in the Christian faith or the Muslim faith. After all both faiths run similar lines in thoughts. The only difference is whoever wrote the Koran knew that the only way to get people to wash was to make them do it before pray, whereas the Christian's probably did wash more often as a normal course of life.

When I was first told I had 6 to 12 months left I thought about my funeral and thought I had better have the service in the CofE incase God doesn't recognise the Spiritualist church, what a stupid thought that was as God didn't create the CofE either, it was man. If you look even deeper you then realise that the spiritualist church is probably the longest running church (if you want to go religious). Jesus was a medium as was Moses never mind Jews.

I'll let you digest these thoughts then throw some more at you later.