I have battled through illness since my early 20's with endo and now cancer yet I haven't blamed God. Somewhere in my spiritual self I must have wanted to learn lessons on being in pain, because that is all I have had for years and years.
We always say "why is this happening to me God" or something along those lines, we never thank god when times are good, or every day when we awake and see another day a head of us.
Should we be thankful, of course we should, we are here to experience life, to give it our best shot and try and live a loving and fulfilling life.
I have always thought I was here for a reason, as yet I don't know what that reason is for, maybe it was to go to the USA and find out about cryo-ablation for mesothelioma and give others faith in a different type of treatment or maybe it was to be a rock to some of my friends, or maybe just to experience life itself. We will never know what our main aim was until we reach the otherside once again.
Spiritualist's don't believe in life after death, but they do believe in eternal life, but then the beauty of spiritualism (as in the religion) is that you can make your own mind up as there is no one berating you from the pulpit telling you what you should or shouldn't believe in. Your free to interpret the seven principals as you seem fit.
After all, whatever religion we were christened into, at the end of the day we are still spirit, and it was man who put a name to the deep down faith we have always had.
In the beginning of time man felt compelled to pray to something, either the sun or the moon, the sea or the trees. Doesn't that tell you something. There is something out there apart from us on earth. We are made of something more than other animals that roam this world. We wanted to worship and pray from the beginning.
Man always has to put his nose into something and spoil it. Women were worshipped in the beginning of time because they gave birth and brought about new life. But man being man became jealous and with the creation of religious books the women was put down as a diversion to weaken men, to be second class and obey only what man said. What a load of twaddle.
They say in the bible that Eve was created from Adam's rib, therefore Man came first. Why do they not look at this and think when man was first created (if you believe this story) then God looked at Adam and thought I haven't designed this form right and had a go at a more refined and better model, that could also bring life to earth. Let's face it we build prototypes then replace them with a better model, maybe God did the same!
No I'm not getting at man, I just think that religion has given women a bad name, whether in the Christian faith or the Muslim faith. After all both faiths run similar lines in thoughts. The only difference is whoever wrote the Koran knew that the only way to get people to wash was to make them do it before pray, whereas the Christian's probably did wash more often as a normal course of life.
When I was first told I had 6 to 12 months left I thought about my funeral and thought I had better have the service in the CofE incase God doesn't recognise the Spiritualist church, what a stupid thought that was as God didn't create the CofE either, it was man. If you look even deeper you then realise that the spiritualist church is probably the longest running church (if you want to go religious). Jesus was a medium as was Moses never mind Jews.
I'll let you digest these thoughts then throw some more at you later.
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